How to Register for the Seminar:
Step 1 - Make payment of the seminar fee to:
Account Name: Tehilla's Place of Virtue
Account Number: 1011730698
Zenith Bank
Step 2 - Text your name and the deposit slip number to 0705 763 0825 or email your name and the deposit slip number to:
1. Inclusion for Learners with Autism and Related Disabilities in Mainstream Classrooms-------------N15,000
2. Developing Effective Individualized Education Programs: A Case-Based Workshop----------------N25,000
3. 21st Century Teaching and Classroom Management Strategies---------------------------------N20,000
4. Effective Practices in Early Intervention------------------------------------------------------N10,000
5. Improving Writing Performance: A Strategy for Writing Persuasive Essays ----------------------N10,000
6. Providing Instructional Supports: Facilitating Mastery of New Skills ----------------------------N15,000
7. Secondary Reading Instruction: teaching Vocabulary and Comprehension in the Content Areas --N15,000
8. Self-Regulated Strategy Development: Using Learning Strategies to Enhance Student learning --N15,000
9. High-Quality Mathematics Instruction: What Teachers Should Know ---------------------------N15,000
10. Understanding the Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for Students with ASDs -------------------N15,000
11. Overview of Exceptionalities------------------------------------------------------------------FREE
12. Parent Participation in Early Intervention------------------------------------------------------FREE
13. Basic Social Skills Training for Children on the Autism Spectrum---------------------------------FREE
14. A day in the life of a Special Education Teacher-----------------------------------------------FREE